Thursday, October 1, 2009

Tattos Below The Belybutton

The intangible cultural heritage: public policies for safeguarding and development

The Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage to be understood in all its kaleidoscope of meanings, in all facets and cultural expressions of their individual social context, which together form what is commonly defines "tradition." Therein lies the richness and importance of a text under the preservation and promotion of intangible cultural heritage, oral traditions and language of the performing arts, from social customs, rituals, events, holidays and ceremonial conceptions and practices relating to the universe and nature, to the knowledge and techniques artigiane.Fin since the ratification of the Convention by Italy, the Ministry of Heritage and Culture has sought to initiate a strategic plan in favor of ' ; immense heritage of Italian traditions in order to assert the centrality of this heritage in Italian history and life of the country and to strengthen the feelings of symbolic recognition that assets including forms of wide exposure and widespread awareness. And again, encourage the growth of his knowledge, through a strengthening of the studies, research and scientific debate and at the same time alongside the vast movimento internazionale che sulla scorta della Convenzione stessa punta a valorizzare i patrimoni immateriali di tutti i popoli del mondo.Proprio per raggiungere tali finalità, il MiBAC ha ritenuto da subito strategico il consolidamento della rete istituzionale con il Ministero degli Affari Esteri, le altre Amministrazioni interessate, la Commissione Nazionale italiana per l’UNESCO e le Amministrazioni locali, nella convinzione che solo un approccio sinergico sarà in grado di dare dei frutti. Altrettanto importante sarà il ruolo di raccordo con il mondo delle associazioni e delle ONG, che tanta parte rappresentano in quest’ambito, che saprà svolgere la Commissione nazionale UNESCO, supported by the new project team that helped create MiBAC.

We believe that interaction and integration are two key words, two guiding principles of public action in support of the national industry in his will and in its efforts to implement effective policies to safeguard and promotion of intangible heritage. A heritage that can and should become a resource.

Arch Antonella Recchia, Director General for the Archives, the Ministry of Heritage and Culture - (Taken from 'The intangible ' Information Bulletin on the intangible cultural heritage Italian - September ottobre 2008)


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