Monday, October 26, 2009

Why Is It Gay When You Wear Red

Kit Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage


The kit & Intangible Cultural Heritage # 232; a basic reference and educational tool to promote and ensure a good understanding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage and the Convention of 2003 by governments, communities, experts and concerned UN agencies, NGOs and concerned people. It 'was released in September 2009 in At the fourth session of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage held from September 28 to October 2, 2009.

Designed as a flexible tool, in which new brochures adapted to local circumstances can be included, the kit must be continuously developed and translated into many languages \u200b\u200bas possible.

The first version was made possible through the generous support of the Government of Norway. E 'consists of 7 brochures and fact sheets on 12 conservation projects, all downloadable :

Download brochures all

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Which Form Of Cardiac Arrhythmia Is Fatal

An answer in the coming months

Angelo Mancini

E 'match race to the great rites! The constants are always le stesse da quando l'occhio ammiccante e seducente dei mass-media ha posato il suo sguardo interessante e interessato sui riti penitenziali: difesa appassionata della "purezza" di questa nostra antica pratica religiosa e ammiccante informazione sulla specificità mondiale di questo evento. Le prime pagine dei
quotidiani locali cominciano a riportare le date dell'avvenimento in cui entrambe le caratteristiche fanno discretamente capolino senza che l'autore ne
metta in risalto l'evidenza contraddittoria. Da un lato si proclama, e a ragione,
l'aspetto intimo penitenziale che deve guidare la persona che si immerge spiritualmente nel momento sacro, dall'altro si spettacolarizza il fenomeno mediatico riportando notizie di folle "oceaniche" che dovrebbero "assistere" a
questo "fatto" unico al mondo e che per tale aspetto val la pena venire a Guardia Sanframondi, che per quel giorno sarà l'indiscusso centro d'interesse del mondo. Di fatto si fa promozione turistica spettacolarizzando l'evento con
buona pace dell'aspetto interiore.
Come fare , allora, affinchè i riti non diventino una vetrina dove esporre la nostra vanità sociale e individuale?
E' questa la domanda a cui dovremo dare una risposta per i prossimi mesi. A nessuno sfugge che la società è cambiata e che sono cambiati i mezzi di informazione, ma la riflessione specifically concerns the relationship between the sacred, which involves the most intimate sphere of each one of us, and the social space outside the municipality, to be shared without declassified to show for the curious. For now we take that example to all those citizens in silence, in moments evening, after the daily struggles, indoors in their homes, work with passion for the success of the procession without asking for anything, but for intimate faith. If
then there will be moments of inner preparation for the rituals they are welcome. Any ostentatious religiosity is just a form of vanity.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Ways To Customize Car

Rites and intangible heritage of UNESCO. Discussion provided after the rites 2010

The proposal for the inclusion of the seven-rites in the list of intangible heritage by UNESCO, Organization of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, has been given, on request, the agenda of one of the meetings held periodically clip_image001 Committee Rites of the Penance of seven in honor of the Assumption, an ancient and important demonstration of faith that the devotees of the Assumption Guardiesi and should be proud of.

After extensive discussion and serene, it was decided to postpone discussion of the issue until after the celebration of the rites of 2010 to be held from Monday 16 to Sunday, August 22, 2010. The main motivation che ha spinto il parroco, Padre Filippo Di Lonardo presidente del Comitato dei Riti di Penitenza, ed i venti membri dello stesso, cinque per ognuno dei quattro rioni Croce Portella Fontanella e Piazza, ad affrontare la proposta “a bocce ferme” è dovuta al fatto che adesso i tempi per la cadenza settennale dei Riti si sono fatti molto stretti e c’è appena il tempo per preparare al meglio questa antichissima manifestazione da ogni punto di vista in specie quelli organizzativo e spirituale. Ogni comitato rionale dovrà rivedere i misteri di penitenza e di comunione che intende presentare, di ciascuno dovrà trovare tutte le persone che ben figurino nei quadri plastici to be more than a hundred. We must think of the tailored suit, and various other instruments to be used in the mysteries, tables utterances that precede it. We must form the four choirs neighborhood, give job to the masters for the lyrics and the music, indicate the choir director, to learn the songs. It should not be forgotten is the spiritual preparation made of mission to the people, repentance, confession, communion, sermons, sermons, and vigils. A set of things that must be accomplished in less than a year and be ready for the week of 16 to 22 August 2010, when a flood of faithful will feed into the Basilica Shrine of the Assumption of Sanframondi Guard, in the province Benevento, and ask to make thanks to the Virgin and protector.

For those who want to use photos can connect to the site , links created by his friend John Lombardi has made available its archives and its professionalism & # 224;. We acknowledge him and thank him.

Luca Iuliani Press Office Committee seven Rites of Penance in honor of the Assumption

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Small Wooden Rowboats

Complex of St. Francis. That is where Golgotha \u200b\u200bis crucified to the new culture of the past. Four steps to take immediately

John Lombardi

Today, the structure that best represents the agony, the annihilation our history the collapse of the thread of our memory and the complex of San Francesco. Next to the hill of three crosses Monte is now the new Golgotha \u200b\u200bwhere they crucified the culture of the past.

In 1952, even the monks, tired of the precarious conditions faced by the static complex that hosted them, the monastery was abandoned and the structure finally leaving the Philippine Fathers. Since then, the church was only used less often, then, the whole was gradually closed, abandoned, fenced off to danger of collapse, which occurred regularly. Its slow death that continues daily disintegrates amid general indifference.

His story began in 1612 when a delegation of citizens Guardiesi went to Naples to ask the Father than the Franciscan Reformed ; Guard to send a representation, as was the intention of building a community Guardiese with adjoining convent chapel. ' The factory was made at the expense of the whole earth at whose inhabitants are faithfully of them our brothers reformed ...' so we read in the 'Chronicles Franciscan'. Inhabitants tax themselves to build the monastery, helping and encouraging the settlement of the friars in the community Guardiese reform which originated in 1526 from the branch of the Friars Minor, who professed poverty, penance, prayer and meditation, the wake and the example of St. Francis. A couple of years after the request, get to watch some brothers and encamped at the moment among the Fathers of the Philippines, awaiting the construction of their convent. The factory was begun with the laying of the foundation stone in January 1616, the term given to friars. It was on Sunday, May 13, 1629.

The history of this territory, as is known, was marked and altered by natural events; most of the town of Guard and its sacred buildings suffered considerable damage in the earthquake of 1688. He did not except the convent, which collapsed, but his reconstruction, in the same place and Guardiese at the expense of the population, was just as timely and engaging. The attachment of Guardiesi the Franciscans went beyond the purely religious and was further consolidated with the memory of the behavior that the brothers had to the people during the plague of 1656, due to which almost all died to serve and help plague victims. With the suppression of the monasteries and religious orders during the Republic Partenopea in 1799, the convent of Police was requisitioned and used to a variety of uses: prison, barracks, district court and eventually school. The brothers returned to the convent Guardiese in 1833 and remained there until the early '50s, when, as we saw, they left him for good.

Already we can see from the installation map showing the articulated structure of the complex of San Francesco. The body of the baroque church nave consists of imposing outer walls that can accommodate six chapels, three on the right devoted to St. Antonio, San Pasquale, and S. Francis, and three on the left dedicated to Santa Chiara, the SS. Crucified and all 'Immacolata. On one side of the church has supported the structure of the convent, on the ground floor the dining hall and a range of service areas, while the first floor there are cells of the friars. The core of the monastery is certainly designed and characterized from the cloister square surrounded by arcades supported by columns of stone. In the midst of the cloister of an old tank is located underneath a stone bowl with jets and fountains. The porch with the dining room was painted by the painter of local origin, Michele Foschini, in the eighteenth century. The frescoes, di  fattura modesta,  sono ormai svaniti.

Dopo il terremoto del 1980, sia la chiesa che lo splendido portico sono totalmente transennati in ogni parte. Ponteggi, strutture in ferro, transenne  sono gli unici rimedi usati , come ad attenuare il senso di impotenza e di smarrimento di fronte a una lenta e segnata agonia ... rimedi usati per aiutare quella grande struttura  a morire, a svanire e dissolversi lentamente.  In relazione ai riti settennali  il Convento di San Francesco, come tutte le altre chiese di Guardia, era  ben legato con essi, e lo è stato fino a quando è stato agibile ed aperto alla devozione dei fedeli, pur non essendo una "chiesa dei riti" in senso stretto, come le altre strutture rionali.  La Chiesa del Convento era, comunque, inserita nel percorso processionale,  precisamente in quello di penitenza: nel percorso di ritorno, ciascun Rione doveva sempre inserire una 'stazione', una fermata, al Convento di San Francesco per ascoltare il sermone dei Padri Passionisti, noti tra la gente per dare corpo e parole alla dimensione della penitenza. Dopo il terremoto del 1980 la chiesa è stata chiusa ed esclusa dai percorsi processionali, perdendo quel ruolo, non secondario,  svolto per tutto il tempo della sua piena efficienza. Oggi la processione sale da Via Monte Tre Croci only to launch a distracting and compassionate look at what remains of the dying structure.

nurture the proposal for the inclusion of the rites seven-UNESCO list of intangible heritage clearly described in This page Insights: - blog ritisettennali - UNESCO - Intangible Cultural Heritage-ICH Video No comment 2009

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1) inform 2) monitor 3) collaborate 4) reformulate the framework normativo

Vediamo più in dettaglio di cosa si tratta partendo dal primo passo: Possono essere messo in atto  iniziative d’informazione e sensibilizzazione partendo dalle amministrazioni locali, dalle Pro loco, dalle APT e dalle Associazioni rispetto al contenuto della Convenzione, all'importanza del patrimonio immateriale, alla sua delicatezza e ai modi più corretti per gestirlo. E ancora, sull'importanza di coinvolgere tutta la comunità nella gestione del patrimonio immateriale. Monitorare   le azioni di tutela su tale patrimonio come d'altronde si fa con il patrimonio naturale e materiale. Avviare progetti di collaborazione tra istituzioni culturali, pubbliche amministrazioni e società civile al fine di identificare, catalogare, conservare e trasmettere il patrimonio immateriale. Infine rimodulare il quadro normativo di riferimento per la gestione del bene o del patrimonio immateriale così come avviene in campo ambientale e di tutela per i  beni materiali.

Questo spazio Blog collegato al sito è gestito per discussioni, confronti ed approfondimenti su argomenti e tematiche riguardanti i riti settennali di penitenza di Guardia Sanframondi e alla proposta di inserire i riti nell'elenco del patrimonio immateriale UNESCO.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Tattos Below The Belybutton

The intangible cultural heritage: public policies for safeguarding and development

The Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage to be understood in all its kaleidoscope of meanings, in all facets and cultural expressions of their individual social context, which together form what is commonly defines "tradition." Therein lies the richness and importance of a text under the preservation and promotion of intangible cultural heritage, oral traditions and language of the performing arts, from social customs, rituals, events, holidays and ceremonial conceptions and practices relating to the universe and nature, to the knowledge and techniques artigiane.Fin since the ratification of the Convention by Italy, the Ministry of Heritage and Culture has sought to initiate a strategic plan in favor of ' ; immense heritage of Italian traditions in order to assert the centrality of this heritage in Italian history and life of the country and to strengthen the feelings of symbolic recognition that assets including forms of wide exposure and widespread awareness. And again, encourage the growth of his knowledge, through a strengthening of the studies, research and scientific debate and at the same time alongside the vast movimento internazionale che sulla scorta della Convenzione stessa punta a valorizzare i patrimoni immateriali di tutti i popoli del mondo.Proprio per raggiungere tali finalità, il MiBAC ha ritenuto da subito strategico il consolidamento della rete istituzionale con il Ministero degli Affari Esteri, le altre Amministrazioni interessate, la Commissione Nazionale italiana per l’UNESCO e le Amministrazioni locali, nella convinzione che solo un approccio sinergico sarà in grado di dare dei frutti. Altrettanto importante sarà il ruolo di raccordo con il mondo delle associazioni e delle ONG, che tanta parte rappresentano in quest’ambito, che saprà svolgere la Commissione nazionale UNESCO, supported by the new project team that helped create MiBAC.

We believe that interaction and integration are two key words, two guiding principles of public action in support of the national industry in his will and in its efforts to implement effective policies to safeguard and promotion of intangible heritage. A heritage that can and should become a resource.

Arch Antonella Recchia, Director General for the Archives, the Ministry of Heritage and Culture - (Taken from 'The intangible ' Information Bulletin on the intangible cultural heritage Italian - September ottobre 2008)