Wednesday, February 24, 2010

How Can My Wife Deep Throat


Rosangela Ricciardi



To accomplish my research I developed a questionnaire consisting of 15 closed questions, however, provides that, for some applications, the ability to deliver more details if the respondent so wished.

The questionnaire was administered to a sample 50 people, of both sexes, of different ages and different cultural and social level.

The sample was "chosen" at random and the questionnaire was in fact advertised on the most popular online portals in the area (Vivitelese, Freemondoweb, Ellenews, Loosli, Infosannio, Socialsannio, The Blog of Rites) and the more robust social networks (Facebook [1] ) was then compiled for most online, but also to achieve better bands d ' ; age that hardly would be represented with an investigation carried out only through the Internet, some were also given live, especially for the elderly.

responses were then sorted and placed in a data set and processed with the SPSS statistical software that has enabled the creation of some graphs.

In conclusion, it appears that most of the sample is made up of men aged between 26 and 50 years, with a medium-high educational level and working for the pi & # 249; either as employees or freelancers. Beyond sex differences and personal data, respondents, compared to the Catholic religion and declare themselves for the most faithful, although at different levels of closeness to religious institutions.

Despite the high proportion of believers, the practice of religious tourism, or other participation in other religious events outside the seven-rites, remains very low and restricted to the region. Is rather different behavior of consumption compared to traditional tourism products, even those who declare themselves believers and practitioners and a lot who participated in the seven-rites, although not engage in forms of religious tourism and / or pilgrimage, say they often travel , especially for pleasure.

It 's interesting to note that over 80% sample indicating that you have participated in the seven-rites (mostly as a set-penitents), this means that participation in religious rites is independent of the staff.

last aspect that I would like to emphasize is the opinion that the respondents give the visitors who come to Sanframondi Guard. If 83% expressed a positive opinion, however, the question "what would change in the organization of rituals?" For 37% of respondents choose "other & # 8221, in which however esprime una certa “chiusura” agli arrivi, visti in molti casi irrispettosi e molesti, se male organizzati. Ciò, quindi, al di là, della religiosità, dell’età, del livello culturale e del giudizio sull’arrivo dei visitatori.


La religione e il turismo, seppur “pratiche sociali” diametralmente opposte esistono da sempre, in tutte le culture di cui abbiamo testimonianze storiche. Le motivazioni, gli individui coinvolti, le modalità di pratica non sono però rimaste immutate nel tempo, but have been transformed and shaped according to the "rules" in force in different societies.

There are therefore social factors can influence significantly the practices of mass consumption habits of individuals. And if it is obvious that the world's first resort and tourism also have been changed for obvious reasons from the evolution of society and technological change, but it is interesting to see how these factors may also determine the religious behaviors, intimate and seemingly devoid of components from external influence.

undeniable, however, is that you travel for religious reasons. Study all the cities of the world to which millions of visitors come down for "spiritual" is indeed complex, but I think it is clear that for most of them around the world of religion has created a market true, not only because of tickets for places of worship, but also statues, souvenirs and tour packages.

If we think the most important destinations of religious tourism, the collective reach places such as Lourdes, Fatima, Medjugorje, Santiago de Compostela, Rome and San Giovanni Rotondo. Sacred Sites, places of worship, places of arrival mass, places frequented by young and old, places now organized and extent of pilgrim-tourists.

But there are places just as "venerable" who do not register the same visits, and one of those "anonymous" I wanted to study goals.

Why Sanframondi Guard, where religious practice and devotion to the Virgin of the Assumption are so strong, where every seven years held an event so special and "strong & # 8221;, because in this mystical place that is so not many visitors flock?

The first answer comes by itself, the geographical catchment area or hinterland Benevento, and the city itself, are not well known. Wrong answer; Pietrelcina is not far but is packed with visitors.

certainly Padre Pio Pietrelcina St. that is known, has an "appeal" very strong, living an incredible popularity Sanframondi Guard does not own, but the reason is not ; either. The real motivation is linked instead to the admixture of the reluctance of tourism marketing organizations working among poor and seven of Rites will of the locals.

Questo è dimostrato dall’indagine di campo che ho svolto. Sebbene il campione non sia stato amplissimo per motivi logistici e di tempo legati ad una tesi di laurea (ma che può essere approfondito in seguito), si nota come in tutte le fasce d’età e in tutte le fasce d’istruzione e professione, l’apertura all’arrivo, sebbene giudicata positivamente, sia ricca di “ma e però”.

I Guardiesi, difendendo la riservatezza dei Riti, impediscono al proprio Comune di divenire noto, frenano lo sviluppo turistico della zona, non favoriscono il miglioramento structures that would otherwise remain all'incuria leave (because, in my opinion, if tourism is too often wasted, so many times, upgrading), but perhaps they do in the name of religion, and not shared , of one who still "believes".

And you can not speak of cultural backwardness, however, because the survey shows that even at high levels of education beliefs remain the same.

So why? Guest hypothetical responses and I am not able to give, certainly I know that this "closure" conferisce fascino a questo bellissimo paesino della provincia Beneventana e ci insegna che forse il turismo, religioso e non, deve fare i conti soprattutto con una capacità di carico sociale che non tutti i luoghi sono in grado di sopportare e che, d’accordo o no, va rispettata.

[1] Il link al questionario è stato inserito nelle due pagine pubbliche dedicate a Guardia Sanframondi, ma anche sulla pagina dedicata ai Riti settennali presenti nel social network

Monday, February 22, 2010

How To Insert Batteries, Flashlight

testament of a man in a ditch

tell can be read in parallel with the parable of the Good Samaritan, but without the final animated by brotherly love. In light of the current situation means that we are pretty bad combination, because outside help. The slugs seem to be more charitable and even the bullet, unless it be interpreted as art from an aesthetic of dubious taste. It means, however, that we / we can get away by themselves. How ironic ...

of a man in a ditch. Parabola
Turi Prison, June 17, 1931 Dearest
I received your package, dated for several months and several days. Your letters have made me remember the newbie a French writer little known, Lucien Jean, I think, was a clerk in a municipal government of Paris. The novel is titled "A man in a ditch." Try to remember. A man had lived heavily one night, maybe he drank too much, perhaps the sight of beautiful women still had a bit 'dazed, left the meeting after he had gone a bit' zig-zag down the street, fell into a ditch . It was very dark, the body gets stuck between the rocks and bushes, was a bit 'scared and did not move for fear of falling further back. The bushes are ricomposero on him,
the snails crawled upon the silvered (perhaps perched on a toad's heart, to hear the heartbeat, and in reality because considered him to be still alive). They spent the hour came in the morning and the first glow of dawn began to pass people. The man began to scream for help. He approached a man wearing glasses, a scientist who was returning home after working in his study experimentally. - What is it? "He asked. - I want out of the ditch, the man replied
. - Ah, ah! would you leave the pit! And what do you know of will, free will, the servant will? Would you, would you! Always like ignorance. You know one thing: you were standing by the laws of static and you fell for the laws of motion. That ignorance, but ignorance! - And walked away shaking his head all indignant. Other steps were heard. New invocations of man. He approached a farmer who wore a pig on a leash to be sold, and smoked his pipe: - Ah, ah! you have fallen into the ditch, eh! You're drunk, you had fun and you fell into the ditch. And why did not you go to sleep as I did? - And walked away, punctuated by step with the grunt of the pig. And then came an artist, who groaned because the man wanted to leave the ditch was so beautiful, everything from silver slugs, with a halo of herbs and wild flowers in the head, he was so pathetic! - Passed a minister of God, who began to rail against the depravity of the city that he enjoyed while he slept and a brother had fallen into the ditch, and exalted ran away to make a terrible sermon at the next mass. So the man remained in the ditch, until he looked around and saw exactly where he fell, broke free, he bucked, he lever arms and legs, stood up and walked out of the ditch with his own strength . I do not know if I gave you a taste of the story, and if it is very appropriate. But at least in part, I think so: you yourself do not write me that the reason none of the two doctors who have seen recently, and has left others decide if now you want to be stronger. I do not think there is even a bit 'in these feelings of despair: I think they are very sensible. Should burn all the past and rebuild a whole vita nuova: non bisogna lasciarsi schiacciare dalla vita vissuta finora, o almeno bisogna conservare solo ciò che fu costruttivo e anche bello. Bisogna uscire dal fosso e buttare via il rospo dal cuore.
Cara Julca, ti abbraccio teneramente, Antonio
da Lettere dal carcere di
Antonio Gramsci

Friday, February 12, 2010

Pot Hangers For Kitchen

seven-seven: The festival of penance

di Luca Iuliani

Se non si può affermare con certezza che i Riti Settennali di Penitenza in onore Assumption of the Virgin have their origins in Sanframondi Guard in the seventeenth century, certainly the Council of Trent (1545-1563) and "preaching" of the different religious orders that followed to assert and defend the dogmas of the Catholic Church, are believed to be elements founding of these processions. They took the lead suffering, only then, a rigid structure liturgical convinced a spiritual force.


Even today, the historical research has failed to date the beginning of this penitential processions that every seven years, structuring and providing unique in the world now, si rinnovano a Guardia Sanframondi, in provincia di Benevento, un centro sannita noto anche per le sue specificità urbanistiche e le ricchezze storiche ed architettoniche. Numerose sono le ipotesi, ma la documentazione certa per datarle definitivamente manca.

Antropologi e sociologi, le fanno risalire ad antichi riti pagani per la fertilizzazione delle terre; alcuni ricercatori locali le datano a momenti di dure contestazioni contro il feudatario (sec. XV); altri al movimento dei Disciplinati di Ranieri Fasani che da Perugia (1260) invase l'Europa invitando il mondo cristiano alla penitenza corporale. Il popolo guardiese le ha sempre vissute con una fede profonda e le ha volute ogni qualvolta le necessità lo imponevano: when we had to ask for heavenly intervention for various material needs: famine, pestilence, drought, floods, earthquakes ... . There are many historical evidences in this regard: May 17, 1736 were held "in thanksgiving for the desired rain", June 2, 1739 "because of the need for rain" in 1743 "to break free from frost; May 13 1763 "to have a good time and to end the famine; March 16, 1800" for the rain suverchio.

Only in the last century has radicalized the seven-year intervals, a symbolic, sacred to the Jewish and Catholic.

To date these processions, which are renewed every seven years in the heyday seem to me two important elements: the "missions" that the Fathers of the Society of Jesus organized throughout the Kingdom of Naples (XVII) and the presence of the Confraternity of the Assumption (the Coven Red) Archconfraternity subsidiary of the Banner of Rome, soon died out 40 years ago. The preaching of the Jesuits, collected by P. Scipione Paolucci (1651), the structure of the weekly processions, in the types of devotees participating in the forms of penance, in the style of preaching aimed at all for a successful "conversion" accurately reflect what today is the increased visibility and vitality of the seven Rites of Sanframondi Guard, their most immediate and poignant message: the need to repent and convert the message Gospel of Jesus The presence in the country of the Brotherhood, then, what is certain, as certain is the affiliation of one of them Archconfraternity Roman Banner. Just in the crypt under the altar of the Shrine of the Assumption, where there is a niche that holds the wooden statue of the Virgin carried in procession every seven years, the brothers its affiliates avevano la loro sede. Qui si riunivano e, settimanalmente, secondo il loro statuto, facevano pubblici atti di penitenza corporale, con catene di ferro, cilizi o altri strumenti. La pala dell'altare centrale di questa cripta, realizzata dal maestro Cesare Japoce nel 1730, ben raffigura i penitenti incappucciati, in camice bianco, con funi e strumenti di penitenza, in ginocchio davanti alla Madre Celeste.

Questo concetto di penitenza, ancora oggi è chiaramente esplicitato in tutte le processioni rionali dell'Assunta, sia quelle "di Penitenza" e sia quelle "di Comunione", attraverso numerosi simboli: le funi intrecciate sul petto, le croci nude, le corone di spine on the head, the sermons of the fathers, flagellates and blood flying in hooded, the Mysteries, the choirs of the four districts (Cross, Portella Fountain and Piazza).

The Feast of the Assumption of Sanframondi Guard, which is just Day of Penance, has managed to survive for the complex and deeply rooted religious, cultural and social underpinning. The survey can be neither simple nor one-sided and perhaps become, over time, more and more complex.

Sanframondi Guard, February 12, 2010

For those who want to use photos can connect to the site , link creato dall’amico Giovanni Lombardi che ha messo a disposizione il suo archivio e la sua professionalità. Gliene diamo atto e lo ringraziamo.


Thursday, February 11, 2010

Nerve Block To Manipulate Shoulder

Gli agapanti
Non ci sono asfodeli, né viole, né giacinti:
come parlare ai morti?
I morti non sanno il linguaggio dei fiori:
per questo tacciono,
viaggiano e tacciono, patiscono
e tacciono
nel paese dei sogni, nel paese dei sogni.

Se mi metto a cantare, grido,
se grido
Agapanthus m'impongono's silence
raising a hand in blue baby
of Arabia or the palms of a goose in the air.

heavy and difficult. Not enough for me to live
first, because they do not speak, then why should I question the

dead if I want to move forward.
Another way is not there. How do I get to sleep

severed the strings of silver and the bottle is empty wind.
fill it, empty it, fill it, is empty.
me awake
as sea bream swimming
at access points of lightning.
The wind, flood, human bodies,
Agapanthus nailed as the arrows of fate on the thirsty land

shaken by spasms
seem to be loaded on a wagon
ancient rickety old paved roads and routes, the
Agapanthus, daffodils Negro:
how to learn this religion?

The first thing God made is love then comes the blood

and thirst of blood
that the seed of the body as a salt
The first thing God made is a long road and the house waiting

sky with smoke with a dog aged waiting,
to die back.
But you have the dead the way I teach.
These Agapanthus
that keep them silent as the bottom of the sea or water in the glass.
And the comrades remain in the palace of Circe
(Elpènore dear. Elpènore, my poor fool!)
or - do not see them? ("Help!") -
above the black crest of Psara.

Ghiorghios Seferis (1900-1971). In 1942, consul in London, after the military defeat of Greece in World War II, follows the greek government in exile in South Africa. The personal odyssey of Seferis coincides with that of his people. The last line alludes to the defeat of the Greek patriots Psara the Ottoman Empire in 1824. The Agapanthus, exotic flowers originating in southern Africa, having regard to the land of exile for him to become a symbol of the violence of war, but also a world of hostile and indifferent to the pain of the poet and those who suffer for freedom and for justice. Also this would question the dead as Ulysses.

us? Who shall question for us to find a home, if the living do not speak, though we lost the way home?

Friday, February 5, 2010

Tiffany Towers Hawaii

approved the reform of the school should question

Yesterday Gelmini reform was, as expected, approved by the Council of Ministers. It comes into force this year in the first classes of the new system. I will not dwell on what I said before the reform, I put in my place instead a form of civil resistance. Cutting back on hours, even in classes not under the reform, the success of the Head of the Government that kids today are not able to withstand several hours of school work challenging (or spoiled idiots, literally limping, senza bastone; e ha ragione, dato che anche il governo si impegna a privarli del sostegno indispensabile di una buona educazione)oppongo su questo blog una serie di interventi complessi, adatti a tanti studenti che conosco e rivolti a chiunque abbia il tempo e il desiderio di meditare/medicare (e perdonatemi la fissazione sull'etimologia, il fatto è che la parola è un condensato di storia e di civiltà, non è stata inventata, nè sempre utilizzata per ingannare o imbonire le masse).

Scrive Roberto Mussapi, (22 gennaio 2010, 20° anniversario della morte di Giorgio Caproni, da Avvenire )

Giorgio Caproni con forza straordinaria seppe fare musica dal dolore della seconda guerra mondiale. It was the war, was the dark shape the sound of his magnificent poem, those years of darkness and pain I made a rough voice, forged what would become an ongoing and changing Cello Concerto (Bach), a sound of ' arc cutting and deep silence. What other music ever, Caproni's voice has none of the music of southern figure, happy and beautiful of his contemporaries (Quasimodo, Gatto), which by nature is inseparable from melancholy. Caproni does not exist in the realm of melancholy, but rather the reality of a vibrant and constantly on pain. Burning, scraping, his poetry. With the unique and harsh language of subliminal sweetness wrote a great book about those incessant John Raboni be identified by its three themes: the city, the journey, the mother. A complete and absolute triad: the mother refers to the origin and woman to the place where the city consist of the theater world, the journey to nature perpetually mobile, curious man. In this sense (...) his book was the magnificent myth Passing Aeneas, written between 1943 and 1955, where the figure of Aeneas, the traveler exile, appears as a shadow in the city of Genoa, where he moved Caproni 10 years and loved always, physically living there, then moved to Rome, as a picture of happiness hit and lost. The funicular, the charm of a city always uphill, the anxiety of the traveler that moves among the shadows of the port, creating one of the greatest books of the Italian poetry of the twentieth century. A book of overall travel time between human and oltretempo, suspended on the funicular as poised between the sky and gravity, into the mists of a port on which lie outward and docks.

III Epilogue by The passage of Aeneas

felt the crunch,
in the dark, my shoes felt
almost buried a rhodium

moles on his face, but I felt
already close air
the breath of the sea .

It was a night of darkness, it seems to me
Pegli, or Sestri.

I had left Genoa on foot, and fresh blood in my grudges

burned, as love.

feeling the sea destroying the shoes peeping from
already heard of boats

off a smell of tar and night
the rinsing, but also
already feeling the sun, broken, my ribs
, white.

I had reached the sand, but without
have more vigor.
Maybe it was the weight in the shoes of
'water of my years.