Friday, February 12, 2010

Pot Hangers For Kitchen

seven-seven: The festival of penance

di Luca Iuliani

Se non si può affermare con certezza che i Riti Settennali di Penitenza in onore Assumption of the Virgin have their origins in Sanframondi Guard in the seventeenth century, certainly the Council of Trent (1545-1563) and "preaching" of the different religious orders that followed to assert and defend the dogmas of the Catholic Church, are believed to be elements founding of these processions. They took the lead suffering, only then, a rigid structure liturgical convinced a spiritual force.


Even today, the historical research has failed to date the beginning of this penitential processions that every seven years, structuring and providing unique in the world now, si rinnovano a Guardia Sanframondi, in provincia di Benevento, un centro sannita noto anche per le sue specificità urbanistiche e le ricchezze storiche ed architettoniche. Numerose sono le ipotesi, ma la documentazione certa per datarle definitivamente manca.

Antropologi e sociologi, le fanno risalire ad antichi riti pagani per la fertilizzazione delle terre; alcuni ricercatori locali le datano a momenti di dure contestazioni contro il feudatario (sec. XV); altri al movimento dei Disciplinati di Ranieri Fasani che da Perugia (1260) invase l'Europa invitando il mondo cristiano alla penitenza corporale. Il popolo guardiese le ha sempre vissute con una fede profonda e le ha volute ogni qualvolta le necessità lo imponevano: when we had to ask for heavenly intervention for various material needs: famine, pestilence, drought, floods, earthquakes ... . There are many historical evidences in this regard: May 17, 1736 were held "in thanksgiving for the desired rain", June 2, 1739 "because of the need for rain" in 1743 "to break free from frost; May 13 1763 "to have a good time and to end the famine; March 16, 1800" for the rain suverchio.

Only in the last century has radicalized the seven-year intervals, a symbolic, sacred to the Jewish and Catholic.

To date these processions, which are renewed every seven years in the heyday seem to me two important elements: the "missions" that the Fathers of the Society of Jesus organized throughout the Kingdom of Naples (XVII) and the presence of the Confraternity of the Assumption (the Coven Red) Archconfraternity subsidiary of the Banner of Rome, soon died out 40 years ago. The preaching of the Jesuits, collected by P. Scipione Paolucci (1651), the structure of the weekly processions, in the types of devotees participating in the forms of penance, in the style of preaching aimed at all for a successful "conversion" accurately reflect what today is the increased visibility and vitality of the seven Rites of Sanframondi Guard, their most immediate and poignant message: the need to repent and convert the message Gospel of Jesus The presence in the country of the Brotherhood, then, what is certain, as certain is the affiliation of one of them Archconfraternity Roman Banner. Just in the crypt under the altar of the Shrine of the Assumption, where there is a niche that holds the wooden statue of the Virgin carried in procession every seven years, the brothers its affiliates avevano la loro sede. Qui si riunivano e, settimanalmente, secondo il loro statuto, facevano pubblici atti di penitenza corporale, con catene di ferro, cilizi o altri strumenti. La pala dell'altare centrale di questa cripta, realizzata dal maestro Cesare Japoce nel 1730, ben raffigura i penitenti incappucciati, in camice bianco, con funi e strumenti di penitenza, in ginocchio davanti alla Madre Celeste.

Questo concetto di penitenza, ancora oggi è chiaramente esplicitato in tutte le processioni rionali dell'Assunta, sia quelle "di Penitenza" e sia quelle "di Comunione", attraverso numerosi simboli: le funi intrecciate sul petto, le croci nude, le corone di spine on the head, the sermons of the fathers, flagellates and blood flying in hooded, the Mysteries, the choirs of the four districts (Cross, Portella Fountain and Piazza).

The Feast of the Assumption of Sanframondi Guard, which is just Day of Penance, has managed to survive for the complex and deeply rooted religious, cultural and social underpinning. The survey can be neither simple nor one-sided and perhaps become, over time, more and more complex.

Sanframondi Guard, February 12, 2010

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