Wednesday, February 24, 2010

How Can My Wife Deep Throat


Rosangela Ricciardi



To accomplish my research I developed a questionnaire consisting of 15 closed questions, however, provides that, for some applications, the ability to deliver more details if the respondent so wished.

The questionnaire was administered to a sample 50 people, of both sexes, of different ages and different cultural and social level.

The sample was "chosen" at random and the questionnaire was in fact advertised on the most popular online portals in the area (Vivitelese, Freemondoweb, Ellenews, Loosli, Infosannio, Socialsannio, The Blog of Rites) and the more robust social networks (Facebook [1] ) was then compiled for most online, but also to achieve better bands d ' ; age that hardly would be represented with an investigation carried out only through the Internet, some were also given live, especially for the elderly.

responses were then sorted and placed in a data set and processed with the SPSS statistical software that has enabled the creation of some graphs.

In conclusion, it appears that most of the sample is made up of men aged between 26 and 50 years, with a medium-high educational level and working for the pi & # 249; either as employees or freelancers. Beyond sex differences and personal data, respondents, compared to the Catholic religion and declare themselves for the most faithful, although at different levels of closeness to religious institutions.

Despite the high proportion of believers, the practice of religious tourism, or other participation in other religious events outside the seven-rites, remains very low and restricted to the region. Is rather different behavior of consumption compared to traditional tourism products, even those who declare themselves believers and practitioners and a lot who participated in the seven-rites, although not engage in forms of religious tourism and / or pilgrimage, say they often travel , especially for pleasure.

It 's interesting to note that over 80% sample indicating that you have participated in the seven-rites (mostly as a set-penitents), this means that participation in religious rites is independent of the staff.

last aspect that I would like to emphasize is the opinion that the respondents give the visitors who come to Sanframondi Guard. If 83% expressed a positive opinion, however, the question "what would change in the organization of rituals?" For 37% of respondents choose "other & # 8221, in which however esprime una certa “chiusura” agli arrivi, visti in molti casi irrispettosi e molesti, se male organizzati. Ciò, quindi, al di là, della religiosità, dell’età, del livello culturale e del giudizio sull’arrivo dei visitatori.


La religione e il turismo, seppur “pratiche sociali” diametralmente opposte esistono da sempre, in tutte le culture di cui abbiamo testimonianze storiche. Le motivazioni, gli individui coinvolti, le modalità di pratica non sono però rimaste immutate nel tempo, but have been transformed and shaped according to the "rules" in force in different societies.

There are therefore social factors can influence significantly the practices of mass consumption habits of individuals. And if it is obvious that the world's first resort and tourism also have been changed for obvious reasons from the evolution of society and technological change, but it is interesting to see how these factors may also determine the religious behaviors, intimate and seemingly devoid of components from external influence.

undeniable, however, is that you travel for religious reasons. Study all the cities of the world to which millions of visitors come down for "spiritual" is indeed complex, but I think it is clear that for most of them around the world of religion has created a market true, not only because of tickets for places of worship, but also statues, souvenirs and tour packages.

If we think the most important destinations of religious tourism, the collective reach places such as Lourdes, Fatima, Medjugorje, Santiago de Compostela, Rome and San Giovanni Rotondo. Sacred Sites, places of worship, places of arrival mass, places frequented by young and old, places now organized and extent of pilgrim-tourists.

But there are places just as "venerable" who do not register the same visits, and one of those "anonymous" I wanted to study goals.

Why Sanframondi Guard, where religious practice and devotion to the Virgin of the Assumption are so strong, where every seven years held an event so special and "strong & # 8221;, because in this mystical place that is so not many visitors flock?

The first answer comes by itself, the geographical catchment area or hinterland Benevento, and the city itself, are not well known. Wrong answer; Pietrelcina is not far but is packed with visitors.

certainly Padre Pio Pietrelcina St. that is known, has an "appeal" very strong, living an incredible popularity Sanframondi Guard does not own, but the reason is not ; either. The real motivation is linked instead to the admixture of the reluctance of tourism marketing organizations working among poor and seven of Rites will of the locals.

Questo è dimostrato dall’indagine di campo che ho svolto. Sebbene il campione non sia stato amplissimo per motivi logistici e di tempo legati ad una tesi di laurea (ma che può essere approfondito in seguito), si nota come in tutte le fasce d’età e in tutte le fasce d’istruzione e professione, l’apertura all’arrivo, sebbene giudicata positivamente, sia ricca di “ma e però”.

I Guardiesi, difendendo la riservatezza dei Riti, impediscono al proprio Comune di divenire noto, frenano lo sviluppo turistico della zona, non favoriscono il miglioramento structures that would otherwise remain all'incuria leave (because, in my opinion, if tourism is too often wasted, so many times, upgrading), but perhaps they do in the name of religion, and not shared , of one who still "believes".

And you can not speak of cultural backwardness, however, because the survey shows that even at high levels of education beliefs remain the same.

So why? Guest hypothetical responses and I am not able to give, certainly I know that this "closure" conferisce fascino a questo bellissimo paesino della provincia Beneventana e ci insegna che forse il turismo, religioso e non, deve fare i conti soprattutto con una capacità di carico sociale che non tutti i luoghi sono in grado di sopportare e che, d’accordo o no, va rispettata.

[1] Il link al questionario è stato inserito nelle due pagine pubbliche dedicate a Guardia Sanframondi, ma anche sulla pagina dedicata ai Riti settennali presenti nel social network


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