Friday, March 4, 2011

Brown Moccasin With Blue Ribbon

Look for Italy breathtaking miniature

Il 12 marzo 2011 riapre a Rimini Italia in Miniatura che, nell’anno delle celebrazioni per il 150° anniversario dell’Unità d’Italia dà il meglio di sé proponendo attraenti novità che invitano a scoprire, conoscere e amare il nostro Paese, a cominciare dal tricolore, issato ogni mattina all’apertura, sulle note dell’inno nazionale.

Alle 272 riproduzioni in scala dei più bei monumenti e gioielli architettonici italiani, immersi in un verde spettacolare, si aggiungeranno oltre 3000 nuovi dettagli per riprodurre un’Italia viva e operosa con deliziose scene di vita quotidiana.

There are rides and play areas for children, restaurants and snack kiosks and ice cream to the delight of a sweet tooth.

Since 2011 more than 30% of the energy needed for the functioning of Italy in Miniature will be provided by the new solar park of 6000 square meters built in, also visited the school.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

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Free Guided tours: Carnival in Venice. Unification of Italy from Venice

At the Venice Carnival, the State Archive of Venice organizes free guided routes.
from 4 to 8 March, you can visit the old building and see the temporary exhibition titled "Carnival in Venice. From Venice Unit d’Italia”. Ci sarà tanto materiale indedito: documenti inerenti alla legislazione veneziana in materia di maschere, di teatri, ritrovi da gioco e altri divertimenti tipici dei patrizi e dei popolani veneziani.
Nella mostra troverà spazio anche l’eccezionale documento testimoniante la visita dell’Imperatore Francesco Giuseppe e di Elisabetta – Sissi – avvenuta a Venezia e per la quale la città organizzò un Carnevale novembrino.

Per scaricare il programma degli Itinerari guidati e scoprire le modalità di adesione cliccate qui !

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Canker In Bearded Dragons

A weekend to buy more!

Si aprirà Friday, March 4, the sixth edition of the Salone craft beer, Beer Festival Italy, to Milan Palasharp.
The program of three days records the presence of thirty breweries, almost all Italian. They range from veterans (Green Bear, Bi-Du, Bausch ...) to production companies taking their first steps as Extraomnes or rural areas. The beer styles of the participants is divided on three main strands traditional Belgian, British and German. core of the exhibition (organized by the Association Beer Tasters) are of course tasting.
not miss the opportunity of tasting a chestnut beer, basil or truffle.

Per maggiori informazioni clicca qui !

Monday, February 28, 2011

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V World Day of Slow

La Giornata Mondiale della Lentezza è una manifestazione che nasce da un'idea della Onlus "L'Arte del Vivere con Lentezza" per riflettere sui danni economici, ambientali, sociali e culturali del vivere a folle velocità. Ognuno di noi è chiamato a cambiare il suo pezzettino di mondo con le proprie idee e il proprio entusiasmo.
La V Giornata Mondiale della Lentezza si svolge oggi in tutto il mondo e ha come tema: Ambiziosi e Altruisti - Slow life, green life, better life.
"Vivete con lentezza", neurotic in response to the rhythms of modern society, this is the invitation of the promoters of the event.
From the United States to Spain, from England to Italy, there are many initiatives that lead to living in a different way these 24 hours. The scheduled appointments are all listed in the official event website. Appointments
organized separately, each can participate in the Day of Slowness as it sees fit, finding the pleasure of the natural rhythms in personal and business contexts. In the full spirit of the just carve out a space, perhaps in a natural environment, abandoning themselves to reading a book or listen to music. Strictly soft.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

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Ennio Morricone and his "Elegy for Italy

Il premio Oscar Ennio Morricone salirà sul palco a Roma per il concertone del Primo maggio. Il maestro delle colonne sonore presenterà un brano inedito, dal titolo "Elegia per l’Italia" da lui scritto per celebrare i 150 anni dell’Unità d’Italia.
Per l'occasione, verranno eseguiti brani importanti del nostro paese come il coro del "Nabucco", "Bella ciao", "Volare" e l'Inno di Mameli.
Verranno inoltre ricordati alcuni nomi rappresentativi del sentimento di unità nazionale, come Dante Alighieri, Arturo Toscanini, Totò, Pierpaolo Pasolini, Anna Magnani, Gigi Riva, don Pino Puglisi e Rita Levi Montalcini.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Keep Cat Off Fish Tank

opportunities to have fun at the 1000 Venice Carnival

Il Carnevale di Venezia 2011, recentemente gemellato con il Carnevale di Rio, presenta 1000 occasioni per divertirsi. Eccovi un assaggio del programma...
Sabato 26 sarà una giornata ricca di sorprese e di occasioni di divertimento: nel primo pomeriggio ci sarà la Festa delle Marie , mentre in serata sono previsti ospiti d’eccezione quali Giuliano Palma e i Bluebeaters che scateneranno dalle 21 il pubblico di piazza San Marco .
Domenica 27 potrete recarvi a Piazza San Marco per il celebre Volo dell’Angelo .
Martedì March 1, the program will almost internally dedicated to film festivals and performances of musical groups.
Thursday 3, Friday 4 and Saturday 5 will be the selections for the best mask for Venice Carnival 2011, will follow the awards ceremony Sunday.

Tuesday, 8 in addition to masks, the day of Mardi Gras, there will be a fun floats and many other smaller events. In the evening the event will be concluded by the concert of Marina Rei e Paola Turci.

Monday, February 21, 2011

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Sanremo 2011: Flack wins hands down with" Call me still love you and I

Roberta Flack's victory at the Sanremo Festival 2011 was the result of a very high degree of public who attended the broadcast with remote voting. This is what emerges from the final and official results of the tele-voting, therefore, confirm that the Flack song has not only benefited the opinion expressed by the Orchestra of Sanremo, which had a weight of 50 %.... the last round of remote voting, Flack took home more than 225 000 preferences.

Friday, February 18, 2011

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Amman and Bertolucci

'There is one thing that fascinates me and I'm experiencing for my next film, I decided to shoot the film in 3D, "says the director Bernardo Bertolucci.

In an interview with Sky News, explains that his next film, "I e te" ispirata all'omonimo romanzo di Niccolò Ammaniti, sarà girata usando questa tecnologia.

Il film si svolge quasi tutto in una cantina e il 3D, secondo Bertolucci, darà meglio la possibilità di andare a fondo nella scenografia, nell'ombra, nel mistero e nei personaggi.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

First Birthday Phrase

Tricarico and Tricolore

"Quelli sul confine hanno una bandiera rossa
ricorda che la nostra tre colori ha
quelli nella nebbia hanno una bandiera verde
ricorda che la nostra tre colori ha"
canta Francesco Tricarico in "3 Colours", the song written by Fausto Mesolella Avion Travel, in the race at the Italian Song Festival in Sanremo.
A text and a musical work that divide, between those who emphasize the refinement of those verses and the song is clever in the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy.

... on the other hand, Trick or you love it or hate it ... to posterity will judge!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

How To Find A Power Steering In A Cobalt

150 years and Italian as it is?

For the film festival dedicated to the 150 anniversary of the unification of Italy 150 YEARS AND HOW IS ITALIAN?
UpArte organized by the Cultural Department of Culture and the City di San Stino di Livenza in collaborazione con la Fondazione Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia-Cineteca Nazionale di Roma

VENERDI' 18 FEBBRAIO 2011 alle ORE 21.00

presso il cinema-teatro Romano Pascutto di San Stino


di Gianni Amelio


Introdurrà il Dott. Denis Brotto, ricercatore all'Università di Padova dove svolge attività didattica integrativa per il corso di Teorie e Tecniche del Linguaggio Cinematografico.

Monday, February 14, 2011

How To Take A Dog With You On A Motorcycle

A poem by our friend and poet Piero: "These beams, honey-colored"

These honey-colored beams
when we came in here
and we answered that we liked

and did not weigh whether they felt the machines from the state
if he felt the train
then if you get used
(you get used to that) and after
if he sleeps well (and then you sleep well) if he sleeps like being
(will be sleeping like children) in the seat
back while dad driving up home

and not counted if the terrace
gaze climbed to
vetreria sconfinata e grigia.

Sono questi travi color miele
guardali bene panciallaria:
sono costole della balena
pensiamo stratagemmi
per convincerla a
farci restare
che ci tenga lontano
dallo sfiatatoio.

Sono questi travi color miele
quando ci si mette sul divano
a guardare su
si vedono ancora le impronte
delle scarpe antinfortunistiche
degli operai

-mi dicevo-

operai bastiancontrari
che camminano testa in giù
proviamoci anche noi
a guardarlo
dall'altra parte
questo mondo

da "Pieghevole Per Pendolare Precario", Le Voci della Luna di Piero Simon Ostan

Friday, February 11, 2011

Kates Playground Interview

My Special Valentine

A San Valentino niente è più dolce dell’arte è l’iniziativa promossa dal Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali (Mibac) per invitare tutte le coppie, e non solo di innamorati, ma anche di persone che si vogliono bene e che sono unite dalla passione per l’arte, a visitare musei e siti archeologici pagando il costo di un solo biglietto ma entrando in due .
Il 12 e 13 febbraio si entra a braccetto per non lasciare che la gioia dell’arte ci colga a metà.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

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planet? My life?

E' nato portale informativo che si occupa di
... sette aree informative sette giorni su sette.
E' presente anche uno spazio dedicato ai blog, alle eco-invenzioni e ai percorsi turistici nel Belpaese.

Monday, February 7, 2011

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The evolution of the project 'ritisettennali'


from a few hours is online the evolution and expansion of the project for the web 'ritisettennali' completely self-financed and self-managed by far April 25, 2006 I present on the network. is the natural next piece of the project and aims to provide a clear and essential news, descriptions, documents and manner of performing the rites seven-year penance and, in general, the event Guardiese. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe author is not just tell and describe the rituals, but also, more specifically, to create an online repository of all that material that might otherwise go 'lost' over time. The site, therefore, is also a constantly updated archive open to contributions from citizens, academics, associations, agencies and committees. proposes, inter alia, sections of manuscripts, documents, graphics, photographs, documents, websites and a detailed bibliography visual.
E 'also known that the project is cultivates the proposal for inclusion of the seven-rites of penance in the list of UNESCO Patrimonio immateriale dell’Umanità.
Dopo lo svolgimento dei Riti 2010 e… l’inevitabile curiosa pressione dei media e di tante belle parole… il sito autogestito ritorna a proporre e documentare, affermandosi sempre di più, come il più completo strumento online d’informazione, conoscenza e documentazione per una delle manifestazioni religiose più particolari, originali e discusse al mondo.


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February 10: Day of remembrance of victims of sinkholes and Julian-Dalmatian exodus

Almeno diecimila persone, negli anni drammatici at the turn of 1945, were tortured and killed in Trieste and Istria controlled by the Yugoslav communist partisans of Tito. And, for the most part, were laid (many still live) in the natural pits scattered on the plateau of the Karst and Istria, the "sinkholes".
The Cave of Basovizza (Trieste), declared a national monument in 1992, is the symbol of all the atrocities committed at the end of World War II and in subsequent years by the militia and supporters of the communist dictator Tito.

The Cave of Basovizza is a monument outside, then no time limit.

Friday, February 4, 2011

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via alla palla ovale

the eve of the Six Nations , taking the Italian team from tomorrow until mid-March, is growing more and more public attention to the world of Italian rugby.
And more and more young people who approach the sport with results worthy of note. One of these is Ruggero Trevisan, Caorle born in 1990, playing in the ranks of the Crusaders Rugby Parma in the role of extreme. Trevor is also a promise in terms of national team: last summer, in September, attended a summer meeting of the senior team led by coach Nick Mallet and took part in June 2009, the Under-20 world that have played in Japan. Tomorrow we will follow all

Italy vs Ireland (15.30) _ Rome's Flaminio
... in the hope that in future the national team there is also our Roger!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Rollerblade Marathon 2010

La Gioconda: la summa del pensiero di Leonardo

La Gioconda, the more 'famous and mysterious painting in the world, to hide the big head, the epitome of the thought of Leonardo da Vinci . The announcement today is Vinceti Silvano, president of the National Committee for the Promotion of Historical Heritage, Culture and Environment, which, among its recent 'successes', boasts the identification of the place of burial of the remains of Caravaggio. From a
Research launched on 9 December, the Committee experts have discovered three layers''found''unequivocal''and three signs 'in the painting that would do precisely ''the philosophical texts, esoteric, religious and theological' 'the genius of the Renaissance.
The digital analysis did find two letters in the eyes of the Mona Lisa: a S , perfectly coinciding with the handwriting of the painter, the model's left eye (right for the viewer), a L the right and the number 72 under an arch of the bridge in the background. In the Kabbalistic tradition
72 letters comprising the name of God and 7 is the creation the world - explains Vinceti -. But 7:02 also refer to Revelation of John in the New Testament. The second is the duality, the opposition, but also the harmony of masculine and feminine principles .
The letters 'found' the mystery of the identity of that face, for some, the masculine traits. L L will transfer to the painter himself, but also to Lisa Gherardini and the S Salai, born Gian Giancomo Caprotti,''a passionate young sprigionante''who went to work from Leonardo to 16 years, in 1490, united to him by a special relationship .

Monday, January 31, 2011

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Join The Game: la finale a Caorle

is the nation of 35,000, for an event unique in the sport youth. E ' Join The Game, the National Championship of Basketball 3 on 3 categories reserved for Under 13 and Under 14 male and female, now in its ninth edition.
Sunday, January 30, the same day throughout Italy, took the stage Provincial Tournament which was played simultaneously in the 103 provincial capitals.

Join The Game to be played at the same time provides all its three stages, and even then the Regional (March 27) and the National Finals this year will be held in Caorle, the weekend of 21-22 May for a prize the actual title in the male and female categories.

MSC Cruises will offer to the winners, the champions of Italy, Spain and Portugal in a cruise on the beautiful MSC Orchestra.

Friday, January 28, 2011

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Vorticismo a Venezia

is presented for the first time in Italy, from Peggy Guggenheim Collection in Venice, Vorticism : movement started in England in the early '900, characterized by an abstract figurative style that combines forms suggestive of the mechanical age with the energy of the vortex.
will be about 100 works to be presented, paintings, sculptures, works on paper, photographs and prints of famous artists like: Percy Wyndham Lewis, Edward Wadsworth and Henri Gaudier-Brzeska.
Peggy Guggenheim Collection is the second stage of a exhibition was opened by the Nasher Museum of Art, Duke University, Durham, NC and ending his career at Tate Britain in London.

"The vortices rebel artists in London and New York 1914-1918"
29 January 2011 - May 15, 2011
Peggy Guggenheim Collection in Venice

Thursday, January 27, 2011

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Maratona di Roma

Many also This year flock to Rome to participate in Marathon or just to watch the race of athletes like Sylvester Teimet Kimeli, the Kenyan winner of the Seoul Marathon in 2010, and David Kipkorir mandag, who won in Rome in 2006. The appointment 'for the March 20: 42 km from the Forum and Colosseum, to run from more than 500 places of historical, archaeological, architectural and museum.
to the beauty of the route is partly the success of foreign participation. There will be over 7000 (over 15,000 expected) runners from 82 nations.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

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Marco Paolini in AUSMERZEN

Tonight on TV network La7, at 21.10, at the eve of the day Holocaust memorial, Marco Paolini will present " Ausmerzen-Vite unworthy of being lived." In
headed by former psychiatric hospital Paolo Pini, Milan, one of the most effective theatrical storytellers of our time, retrace the tragic story of genetic experiments that the Nazis conducted on mental patients and handicapped people between 1934 and 1945.

Ausmerzen is a German word meaning "uprooted" and stands for the violence perpetrated against human beings, whose life was indeed considered "unworthy of being lived."

"This work - Paolini writes - is the result of two years of research, meetings with witnesses and experts." It is a true story, but "the record of a storia di cui pochi sanno moltissimo e molti non sanno nulla".

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

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E' ORA di Jovanotti

Jovanotti ritorna nei negozi con il nuovo attesissimo album: Ora .
L'album è stato anticipato dal singolo "Tutto l'amore che ho".

In Ora ci sono 15 tracce assolutamente dance, quasi un ritorno alle origini per Lorenzo Cherubini , che ha perso la mamma solo due mesi fa, che confessa: "E’ stata una specie di compensazione, nei pellegrinaggi fra ospedale e studio di registrazione. In ospedale distraevo i degenti, e ho pensato: "Voglio fare un disco che faccia star bene . L’ho dedicato to my mother, who was proud of me and she loved the happy songs. "

Friday, January 21, 2011

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Vallanzasca: gli angeli del male

a movie comes out in theaters today is intended to discuss: Vallanzasca - angels of evil , Michele Placido and starring Kim Rossi Stuart . The film Extract from the autobiographical novel The Flower of Evil . Banned in Milan written with the journalist Carlo Bonini Vallanzasca by himself, who is serving seven life sentences for four murders.
In 1985, Renato Vallanzasca, is in a isolation cell in the arm of the rigor of the home district of Ariano Irpino. In prison, where they call it "The beautiful Rene, his mind goes to the episodes of his youth criminal. And start to remember. Since childhood, his "vocation" to the crime had begun to emerge in a clear manner, when he and his gang of thugs freed the tiger in a circus.
The incident earned him the juvenile prison. Once released, the passage from petty theft to robbery, extortion and killings was brief. Vallanzasca became the boss' boss Comasina "their town, and came to undermine the dominance of Francis Turatelo, with the clan of which gave rise to a real bloody war.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

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prepariamoci per Carnevale

In Italy, one of the most beautiful Carnival is to Venice who is also one of the oldest. If for
This year, you want to go to the Carnival of Venice, know that this will begin February 19 until March 8. The opening of the Venice Carnival 2011 will be February 19 with the first fashion shows and the debut in Piazza San Marco . On 20 February, then we will go ahead with the procession into the water from the Grand Canal.
The appointment with the Carnival of Venice in 2011 and then again on the weekend of 26 and 27 February, which will be held in the famous flight of the angel and the feast of Marie. Finally, the last days of festivities will be held from 4 to 8 March, where there will be parades of the most beautiful masks with the coronation.

Monday, January 17, 2011

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Facia da toa

We have repeatedly addressed the Italian idioms, explaining the source. Today we will explain the origin of a saying of our dialect closely tied to our history.
The term we will examine is 'have' na toa facia from (having a face of food / wood), Italian is "gall."
This expression identifies a person, his face impassive, that does not express emotions.
The origin of this saying goes back to the time an-cies of the Republic of Venice. The legend tells us Venetian that in some 943 pirates, the day of the Purification of Ma-ria, break into the church of San Pietro Castello and dhimmi took up arms to 12 brides. The Doge Candiano III pursued the pirates, defeated them in the waters of Caorle and brought back the women in Venice. was instituted in memory of the Fe-Marie is that over time became a display of elegance, a source of rivalry and confrontation between the factions at the Venetian for the selection of beautiful girls who were to pull out. The situation threatened to escalate, so in 1319 the government decided to replace the girls with a specially constructed wooden figures at the Arsenal: the population that figures nicknamed "Marie de toa." In the tradition of the "Maria de toa" is a skinny woman, thin, neat, flat, or a woman without breasts. The motto was taken from the theatrical jargon when in the performance of the comedy of the Venetian-art addition to the main characters introduced in the ve-nivano stage of the wooden figures representing the extras. Obviously these admissions had an expression im-perturbative and actors who were unable to im-press the public to these images were compared and apostrophes as "faces toa."