Monday, February 7, 2011

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The evolution of the project 'ritisettennali'


from a few hours is online the evolution and expansion of the project for the web 'ritisettennali' completely self-financed and self-managed by far April 25, 2006 I present on the network. is the natural next piece of the project and aims to provide a clear and essential news, descriptions, documents and manner of performing the rites seven-year penance and, in general, the event Guardiese. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe author is not just tell and describe the rituals, but also, more specifically, to create an online repository of all that material that might otherwise go 'lost' over time. The site, therefore, is also a constantly updated archive open to contributions from citizens, academics, associations, agencies and committees. proposes, inter alia, sections of manuscripts, documents, graphics, photographs, documents, websites and a detailed bibliography visual.
E 'also known that the project is cultivates the proposal for inclusion of the seven-rites of penance in the list of UNESCO Patrimonio immateriale dell’Umanità.
Dopo lo svolgimento dei Riti 2010 e… l’inevitabile curiosa pressione dei media e di tante belle parole… il sito autogestito ritorna a proporre e documentare, affermandosi sempre di più, come il più completo strumento online d’informazione, conoscenza e documentazione per una delle manifestazioni religiose più particolari, originali e discusse al mondo.



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