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Rites and intangible heritage of UNESCO. Discussion provided after the rites 2010

The proposal for the inclusion of the seven-rites in the list of intangible heritage by UNESCO, Organization of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, has been given, on request, the agenda of one of the meetings held periodically clip_image001 Committee Rites of the Penance of seven in honor of the Assumption, an ancient and important demonstration of faith that the devotees of the Assumption Guardiesi and should be proud of.

After extensive discussion and serene, it was decided to postpone discussion of the issue until after the celebration of the rites of 2010 to be held from Monday 16 to Sunday, August 22, 2010. The main motivation che ha spinto il parroco, Padre Filippo Di Lonardo presidente del Comitato dei Riti di Penitenza, ed i venti membri dello stesso, cinque per ognuno dei quattro rioni Croce Portella Fontanella e Piazza, ad affrontare la proposta “a bocce ferme” è dovuta al fatto che adesso i tempi per la cadenza settennale dei Riti si sono fatti molto stretti e c’è appena il tempo per preparare al meglio questa antichissima manifestazione da ogni punto di vista in specie quelli organizzativo e spirituale. Ogni comitato rionale dovrà rivedere i misteri di penitenza e di comunione che intende presentare, di ciascuno dovrà trovare tutte le persone che ben figurino nei quadri plastici to be more than a hundred. We must think of the tailored suit, and various other instruments to be used in the mysteries, tables utterances that precede it. We must form the four choirs neighborhood, give job to the masters for the lyrics and the music, indicate the choir director, to learn the songs. It should not be forgotten is the spiritual preparation made of mission to the people, repentance, confession, communion, sermons, sermons, and vigils. A set of things that must be accomplished in less than a year and be ready for the week of 16 to 22 August 2010, when a flood of faithful will feed into the Basilica Shrine of the Assumption of Sanframondi Guard, in the province Benevento, and ask to make thanks to the Virgin and protector.

For those who want to use photos can connect to the site , links created by his friend John Lombardi has made available its archives and its professionalism & # 224;. We acknowledge him and thank him.

Luca Iuliani Press Office Committee seven Rites of Penance in honor of the Assumption


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