Friday, December 31, 2010

Can You Become A Police Officer With Crohn's


Today, December 31, 2010, after a long period of silence, I start to write in brief referring to what I wrote on this blog January 30, 2010.
as stipulated in Art. 1 of our Constitution, "Italy is a democratic republic, founded on work. The sovereignty belongs to the people and is exercised in the manner and within the limits of the Constitution. " Our country is not based on the interests of managers and corrupt politicians, but on inalienable rights, including training, to citizens who participate and build their future, supported and backed by the democratic state. "Sovereignty belongs to the people and is exercised in the manner and within the limits of the Constitution." Not like an absolute delegation of his intelligence and his willingness to ducetti duty.
many Italian citizens are working to defend the rights enshrined in the 1948 Constitution, after decades of subservience to ugly anti-democratic powers? How many know how to defend themselves by claiming political parasitism cuts and sacrifices to the detriment of the weakest (children and young people who can not access, like fat people, private education for a fee), but with no cut to the waste of the machine of politics, bureaucracy, business collusion? How many citizens know everywhere recognize and condemn the populist propaganda? hopefully not be short, apart from students.
article 3 states, talking about freedom and equality "... It is the responsibility of the Republic to remove all obstacles Economic and social nature which constrain the freedom and equality of citizens, prevent the full development of the human person and the effective participation of all workers in the political, economic and social development of the country. "

To be free and the same is now essential to know how to make effective the removal of obstacles mentioned above, often represented by our leaders, who hope to reduce it to ourselves and our children and devoted band of frightened sheep to the head, as the effects of global crisis. Maybe you should rewrite the article adding to "remove obstacles to economic and social ones" of a party, bureaucratic and collusive " .
Nell’art.9 si legge: “La Repubblica promuove lo sviluppo della cultura e la ricerca scientifica e tecnica. Tutela il paesaggio e il patrimonio storico e artistico della Nazione.” Non c’è bisogno di ricorrere agli esempi più clamorosi di degrado e di abbandono dei siti archeologici o ambientali che la stampa, a degrado compiuto, deplora con accenti di lutto intollerabili. Dove erano le agenzie e i cronisti mentre si perpetrava tutto questo?
Se non c’è un’inversione di tendenza rispetto al “tutto e subito” dell’edonismo imperante e del feticismo degli oggetti, indotto da un mercato drogato attraverso spot che decretano l’audience dei programmi più imbecilli della public and private television programming and, if not to return to productive activities aimed at not wasting, irrational consumption, pollution, but close to the needs and vocations of each area, what are we left to hope for?
Tomorrow we will talk about vocations in our area, the Ionian-Etna.
and with hope.


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