Monday, October 18, 2010

Juniors Cute Underwear

Proposal for inclusion in the seven Rites of intangible heritage by UNESCO. Commitment and to maintain closure of the plate


A un anno esatto voglio riproporre il testo integrale del comunicato stampa numero 2 del October 16, 2009 prepared by the Press Office Committee seven Rites of Penance in honor of the Assumption in the hope that the commitment is maintained and you get to the discussion of the proposal.


The proposal for the inclusion of the seven-rites in the list of intangible heritage by UNESCO, the Organization of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, was given, on request, the agenda of a meeting of the Committee that periodically takes seven Rites of Penance in honor of the Assumption, an ancient and important demonstration of faith that the devotees of the Assumption Guardiesi and should be proud of.

After extensive discussion and serene, it was decided to postpone discussion of the issue until after the celebration of the rites of 2010 to be held from Monday 16 to Sunday, August 22, 2010 .

The main reason that led the parish priest, Father Filippo Di Lonardo Chairman of the Board of Rites of Penance, and the twenty members of the same, five for each of the four districts Croce and Piazza Fontanella Portella, to address the proposal "a bocce ferme" is due to the fact that now the time for every seven of Rites has been made very tight and there is barely time to make the most of this ancient event from every point of view, especially those organizational and spiritual. Each local committee shall review the mysteries of penance and communion that intends to present, each will find all the people who appear well in tableaux that are over a hundred. We must think of the tailored suit, and various other instruments to be used in the mysteries, tables utterances that precede it. We must form the four choirs neighborhood, give job to the teachers for texts e le musiche, indicare il direttore del coro, far imparare i canti. Non va dimenticata poi la preparazione spirituale fatta di missione al popolo, penitenza, confessione, comunione, prediche, sermoni e veglie.

Un insieme di cose che dovrà essere compiuto in meno di un anno ed essere pronto per la settimana dal 16 al 22 agosto 2010, quando una marea di fedeli confluirà nella Basilica Santuario dell’Assunta di Guardia Sanframondi, in provincia di Benevento, per rendere e chiedere grazie alla Vergine loro protettrice.

Guardia Sanframondi, 16 ottobre 2009


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