Saturday, January 30, 2010

Geoffrey Beene Tie Chain

What about the draft reform of the Italian upper secondary school in the approval process and definition, programs and hours, by a majority of government? What about the reduction of hours in the various school levels, under the pretense of simplifying (?) the path of learning "superior" and the unspoken but obvious desire to "make money", to the detriment of the effective operation of the school, the dignity of teachers and their expectations of work to the expense of the thickness of the formation of students, deprived even before the actual resources, in terms of timing, methods, content and structure, and intended, hence a little, to resign by law to a ratio teachers / pupils in a 30/35?
What do parents think?
Why everything is quiet and does not arrange a real movement of civil resistance, strong and determined to claim respect for the Constitution?

Article 1 - Italy is a democratic republic, founded on work. The sovereignty belongs to the people and is exercised in the manner and within the limits of the Constitution.

Italian Constitution, founded on work and workers, not managers and politicians, on the inalienable rights, including training, on which citizens participate and build their future, supported and guaranteed by the democratic state. But it is still a democratic state our own?

Italian citizens, with or without work, they can defend the rights proclaimed in the Charter? They know how to defend themselves by claiming political parasitism cuts and sacrifices to the detriment of the weakest (see children and young people with no access to education Private fee) and not significant program cuts costs of the machine of politics? They know how to recognize and reject the populist propaganda?

Article 3-All citizens have equal social dignity and are equal before the law, without distinction of sex, race, language, religion, political opinion, personal and social conditions.
is the duty of the Republic to remove obstacles to economic and social nature which constrain the freedom and equality of citizens, prevent the full development of the human person and the effective participation of all workers in the political, economic and social development of the country.

Where are now the equal social equality without distinctions of all citizens before the law?
Does anyone know how to make effective the removal of barriers to economic and social barriers that currently reported as a result of the global crisis, we and our children to reduce the rank of terrified sheep and devoted to the heads? Perhaps you should reform this article by adding to "remove obstacles to economic and social order", "the obstacles to political and criminal" that constrain and so on.

Article 9-The Republic promotes the development of culture and scientific and technical research.
Protecting the landscape and the historical and artistic heritage of the nation. If you demolish

la scuola come centro e laboratorio di formazione (in essa ci sono ancora reali eccellenze, come ci sono guasti da controllare rigorosamente e da eliminare), quale “sviluppo della cultura, della ricerca”, quale “difesa dell’ambiente” si possono promuovere?
E per l’ambiente, se non c’è un’inversione di tendenza rispetto al “tutto e subito” dell’edonismo imperante, del feticismo degli oggetti indotto dal mercato attraverso il dominio degli spot, quale ritorno alle attività produttive non finalizzate allo spreco, al consumo irrazionale, all’inquinamento, ma aderenti ai bisogni e alle vocazioni di ciascun territorio, potrà esserci?
L’agricoltura quality enhancement of the work of the real market, scientific research on innovative materials and energy today are not only possible, but there are already defined as areas of excellence, which relies on highly qualified personnel. The industries that chokes, and ugly tie up our cities can be converted into an acceptable period of time.
is possible to build new jobs, if you have the courage to step up the level of training to build a more livable and less corrupt, and even to design a Europe of peoples and of justice. But, as a project, from the earliest years of life of citizens, which school?


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