Saturday, March 13, 2010

Percent Of Women Over 6 Feet


that shimmers in the night cap of my thinking, track
pearly snail
or grinding of crushed glass, light
is not a church or food shop that

cleric red or black. I can only

leave a testimony of faith that was fought,
of hope that burned slower
of hard log in the fireplace.
Please keep the powder in the mirror when switched off every light

the sardana
and hell will come upon a shady Lucifer
a bow of the Thames, the Hudson, the Seine
shaking the wings of bitumen
semi-severed by fatigue, to tell you: it's time.
is not an inheritance, a lucky
that can withstand impact of monsoon on the edge of the spider
but a story that does not last in the ash
and persistence is the only species. Just
was a sign: Who identified
can not fail to find you.
Everyone recognizes her: pride
was not escape, humility was not
cowardly, the faint glow rubbed
there was not a match.
(from "The storm and other)

My Montale, and I reread it the next meeting in every season of our present. Reborn from the ashes of history are always new and oppression sorely tested the faith in life and especially the effort to safeguard from all its insidious assault "everyday decency," or to the risk of appearing defeatist cowards. But a poet has his fire, and then the hour can look with different eyes. The proud little track that shimmers like hope in his word: he entrusts it to his "faithful" as a trademark, symbolon, because wherever they can find. The

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Odp Soccer- What Do You Bring?

The People's Mission to the Rites of Penance

Luca Iuliani

Programmed by Parish Pastoral Council of the one in this country, called Santa Maria Assunta and San Filippo Blacks, is about to leave la Missione Popolare in preparazione dei Riti Settennali di Penitenza in onore della Vergine Assunta che si svolgeranno a Guardia Sanframondi, in provincia di Benevento, dal 16 al 22 agosto del corrente anno. Non esistono documenti che datano l’origine della Missione al popolo ma, a memoria d’uomo, si è sempre fatta con metodologie e tempi diversi ma con un unico scopo: avvicinare alla Madonna e a suo Figlio Gesù Cristo quanti più fedeli, nel migliore dei modi.

Si comincia sabato 6 marzo e si concluderà domenica 14 marzo.

Ha per titolo: “Vi supplichiamo in nome di Cristo: lasciatevi riconciliare con Dio”, the famous words of St. Paul that will accompany the faithful to the celebration of the Assumption of Rites and guide them in daily.

for Catechesis were invited Father Mario Dino Magnano of Oratory, Provost of Acicatena (Catania) and Father Giancarlo Giannasso OFM Capuchin. As in any

People's Mission is also the program of this rich and abundant and has tried to involve all parts of the parish community. It begins with the celebration of the first Saturday of the Assumption "(Saturday 6 hours 21) to continue with the Via Crucis in the area in the afternoon Campopiano Sunday. We continue in the morning, visiting the sick and to elementary schools and secondary schools. In the afternoon there will be catechetical meetings every night in different parts of the country. It starts on Monday, 8 with the celebration at the Cantina Sociale "La Guardiense" in the district of Saint Lucia, to remind the fifties of the cooperative, and continue on Tuesday in the District Cross on Wednesday in Rione Portella, in the District on Thursday and Friday in the Fountain Square District. Saturday evening will be dedicated to community penance. It then comes to Sunday 14 with a closing day: it is stata prevista una nuova Via Crucis esterna, vicino alla Basilica Santuario dell’Assunta, in zona Fontanella e Strada Marzio Piccirillo, conclusa da una fiaccolata e dallo sparo di fuochi in segno di festa.

Un insieme di azioni messe su dal consiglio pastorale parrocchiale ed organizzato coinvolgendo i componenti dei quattro Comitati Rionali (Croce, Portella, Fontanella e Piazza), le dirigenze delle diverse istituzioni scolastiche, tutti i gruppi parrocchiali, con lo scopo di coinvolgere nel messaggio della Missione al Popolo tutta la società civile, ragazzi, giovani adulti ed anziani, uomini e donne, di ogni condizione.

La Vergine Assunta voglia guidare questa Missione Popolare e trarre da it the best fruits.

Sanframondi Guard, March 3, 2010